Here is the item again:

Anyone who visits Neil will find uneaten fruit all over his apartment. (A) Such as rotting bananas on the kitchen counter, (B) desiccated grapes in a bowl on the coffee table, (C) and a drippy apple on the bureau by the bed.

You correctly realized that the period after apartment creates a fragment. Such as rotting bananas ... is an afterthought phrase, so it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

To fix this fragment, you chose to do this:

Anyone who visits Neil will find uneaten fruit all over his apartment. For instance, he has rotting bananas on the kitchen counter, desiccated grapes in a bowl on the coffee table, and a drippy apple on the bureau by the bed.

By adding a subject, he, and a verb, has, you have given the fragment the main clause that it needs to be a complete sentence.

Let those right answers ring out!

Go to the next sentence.
